Friday, June 20, 2014

20 Anti-Aging Foods

Exercise and a healthy diet are the best (non-surgical) ways to keep you looking years — or decades — younger. But certain foods possess qualities that will improve your skin, boost your energy, and even fight of disease. Add these options to your diet, suggested by Chris Mohr, Ph.D., owner of, and experience their multiple benefits.

BlueberriesThese colorful little berries are high in fiber, loaded with vitamins and minerals, and a great source of antioxidants that may help protect the brain and skin.

Wild Salmon
As we age, it’s common for brain function to decline. Omega-3 fats, like those found in wild salmon, however, can protect the skin, brain, eyes, heart and joints. The American Heart Association suggests up to 12 ounces of fatty fish per week.

These little green nuts are not only high in nutrition, but they also have a major benefit over other nuts -- they come in a shell. According to a study published in the journal Appetite, subjects consumed 41 percent fewer calories when in-shell nuts are offered compared to those already shelled.

Whey Protein
As we age, muscle mass begins to decline at around 1 percent per year. This loss becomes a vicious cycle -- loss of muscle means lower metabolism, loss of coordination and balance and the list goes on. Fortunately, combining strength training with a little “magical” by-product of milk (whey protein isolate) can do wonders. Try adding it to a smoothie, mix in some blueberries, and you’ve got a winner! You can find whey protein powder in most grocery stores.

Greek Yogurt
This type of yogurt has double the protein and half the sugar of regular yogurt. Search for a Greek yogurt that has probiotics, special cultures that are great for gut health. Greek yogurt also has less lactose than regular yogurt which makes it easier to digest.

Coffee gets a bad rap, but it’s not as bad as you might think. The problem is what you put in your coffee -- cream and sugar. Some data suggests coffee drinkers have less of a chance of dying from heart disease. Need another reason to enjoy a cup of joe? It may also lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease.

Say what? This fish is making an appearance on restaurant menus, and it's really making waves. With half the calories of salmon, yet equal amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, it’s a great nutrient-dense option. Find it in the frozen section of many natural food stores.

Most American’s don’t eat enough fiber. Oats are one easy way to load up on this essential nutrient. Since fiber also helps fill you up, it may reduce the risk of middle-age weight gain when combined with other smart nutrition choices.

Red Wine
No, that’s not a typo -- red wine contains a potent antioxidant called resveratrol. Animal research suggests high amounts of resveratrol may prevent cell death in the heart and brain. Now that’s a reason to drink up. Women should aim for one drink per day, while men can have two.

This leafy green is a true nutrient powerhouse -- and it’s easy to add to foods like scrambled eggs, pasta, as the base of a salad, or even smoothies. Spinach is rich in lutein, which has been shown to have anti-aging properties.

Who knew that corn did more than taste good on the cob? A University of Maryland study found that a component of fiber found in corn might prevent the growth of cancer. The researchers speculate the compound, IP6, which is found in corn, causes cancerous cells to stop dividing.

Whole Grains
There’s a lot of controversy about whether grains are actually good from your body, but most of this debate revolves around how carbohydrates impact your body fat levels. The truth: Whole grains have been associated in many studies with preventing cholesterol buildup in your arteries. And like most things in life, moderation is the key.

Research shows that cinnamon may decrease the post-meal insulin spike. And the more controlled the spike, the less likely you are to store body fat. Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon on your favorite foods daily — yogurt, oats, cottage cheese, or in a smoothie -- it not only tastes great, but may help slim your waistline. And, it’s a powerful antioxidant to boot.

Dark Chocolate
Let your sweet tooth rejoice — dark chocolate is healthy! Research has shown that dark chocolate – not milk or white – has heart health properties. In fact, eating 1 ounce of dark chocolate per day has been associated with lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and higher HDL (good) cholesterol. Aim for dark chocolate that’s at least 70 percent cacao.

Here’s a new reason to experiment with Indian Food. Louisiana State University researchers found that curcumin — the yellow spice that gives curry its color — may have cancer destroying abilities. The reason: the curcumin restricts blood vessels in cancerous cells and inhibits movement. You don’t need to eat out at an Indian restaurant for the benefit. Just add 1 to 2 tablespoons to chicken, veggies or rice.

Sweet Potatoes
They do more than taste good at Thanksgiving. Sweet potatoes contain lycopene, which protects your skin from UV damage. It also is loaded with vitamin C, which produces collagen for healthier skin.

Green Tea
Whether you drink it hot or cold, or use it as a refreshing base for soups or stews, green tea might help you look younger. In fact, Chinese researchers found that people who drank 3 cups of green tea per day slowed down the aging process. The reason: green tea might improve your DNA structure and slow the shorten of cells that results during aging.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene. Carrots are filled with beta-carotene. And watermelon is loaded with both vitamins, which help protect your skin and repair cells that are damaged by sunlight.

Most people know that salmon is a strong source of omega-3s, but so is hemp. Hemp seeds and oils are a natural moisturized, which helps your skin retain moisture and counteract the effects of aging. Eat the seeds raw, or add the oil to your favorite smoothie.

Rainbow Trout
We already mentioned that salmon is a great option to fight aging, and trout is no different. Your body needs healthy fats because they protect your cells and promote longevity. But the reason trout is great because it’s high in EPA—a fatty acid that fights cortisol (the stress hormone). Try cooking trout in a pan with 2 tbsp of olive oil. Cook on each side for 5 minutes, or until you achieve your desired level of flakiness. We recommend cooking     trout in olive oil.



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